Mr. Matthew Lyons, Music Coordinator, Band Teacher, & Instructor for Brass Instruments; Room B28; [email protected]
Ms. Lindsey Stamper, Orchestra Teacher; Room 27; [email protected]
TBD, Guitar Teacher; Room 25
Dear Families,
Welcome to the instrumental music program! We are very excited to share in your child's journey of learning and making music. Our students stand out as some of the top elementary musicians in the district. We are looking forward to watching the students grow and to see what opportunities this year affords us.
The goal of our program is to develop music literacy and an appreciation of the arts through instrument performance, listening skills and composition. In addition to musical growth, students will also develop the personal skills necessary to be a part of a performing group. These skills include self-discipline, responsibility and commitment. To ensure the greatest learning and enjoyment possible, we have outlined some guidelines for the instrumental music classes. Please review the information below with your child. We are looking forward to a great year of musical success!
Following is all the information you will need to know about the music program:
Please note your child's music schedule and help them to remember their instrument. Many instruments are left due to rushing in the morning. We recommend putting the instrument by your child's backpack the night before class.
What to Bring to Class
As we see the students only twice a week, it is imperative to have all the supplies each day of class. Your child should bring four things to every music lesson: .
1.Instrument 2. Book/Music 3. Pencil 4. Supplies for instrument (i.e. reeds, neck straps, etc.)
Students are expected to practice a minimum of 15 minutes each day, at least 4 days a week. Students will be asked to create personal goals for their practice time. Please review these goals with your child periodically and help encourage them to continually grow toward musical excellence on their instrument. Each student should practice the concepts and songs taught during school in order to be ready for the next lesson. In addition, the muscles used to play an instrument must be worked out every day, just like in sports.
All students who participate in the instrumental music program will receive a standards based, academic music grade on their report card each semester. Therefore, it is important that your child attends music class as regularly as possible. For a description of the music standards please visit the V.A.P.A. department on the web site.
Forgotten Instrument Policy
Students will not succeed in learning to play an instrument if they come to class without it. In addition to written assessments, the students are graded on in class performances so it is important for them to have their instrument every time. If your child forgets their instrument we still expect them to attend class to learn the day's lesson. We hope the following steps will help insure your child's success:
Forgot Instrument:
1st time:
Student will lose participation points & will be given
alternate work
2nd time
Lost points & parent will receive a phone call at home or
Continually forgetting an instrument will result in a grade of "Below Basic."
Students enroll with the understanding that they will participate in music for the entire school year.
Evening Concerts:
There will be at least two evening concerts held during the school year. One in December and one in May/June. Performance is an integral part of the music curriculum and experience, so please do your best to have your child participate. Your child is a very important part of the ensemble; therefore, we expect them to participate in each school concert. Your student is only permitted to miss a concert due to extreme difficulties. If an event occurs, please notify the school as soon as possible.
Concert Dates:
4th Grade -TBD
5th Grade -TBD
Classroom Behavior Contract:
Following this letter is the Classroom Behavior Contract. Please review with your child the behaviors, rules, and consequences stated in the behavior contract. With your support the Instrumental music program will continue to be a success.
If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a message for us at school. We can be reached at 619-344-5000 or e-mail us at: [email protected] or [email protected]. We look forward to meeting each of you at Back to School night. We anticipate a successful and happy school year!